Kabadiwalla Connect is an award winning waste management solutions provider based in Chennai, India.
We're working to streamline the collection and processing of organic waste and recyclables from small urban waste generators in India—by leveraging the informal waste ecosystem.
Improper Solid Waste Management is a systemic problem for all of India’s cities, and out of the 70 million tons of waste that urban India generates every year, over 90% is currently sent to the landfill.
This waste is rich in organic content and contains a significant amount of recyclable material. However, due to a number of factors, it is hard for the local municipality to effectively collect this material at source. Landfills in Indian cities are fast reaching maximum capacity and there is a critical need to manage municipal waste properly.
Apart from the official systems of waste management in India’s major cities, there is a robust ‘informal’ ecosystem of traders in recyclable materials, that together form an important channel for handling recyclable waste in the city.
For organic waste, many local service providers and household products can help manage this waste at source.
Kabadiwalla Connect's mission is to help divert 70% of urban India's waste away from the landfill, helping to avoid the emissions of close to 80 million metric tons of CO2 every year.
In doing so, we also hope to empower stakeholders in the informal waste ecosystem; helping to create better incomes and provide a more effective sourcing mechanism for small waste-pickers and kabadiwallas in urban India.
Kabadiwalla Connect has been recognised by MIT, The World Bank & The UN Foundation, The World Economic Forum, and the Launch Circular Innovation Ecosystem.
We are working to bring two products into the market by early 2019
SaaS based model for our technology platform
We’re building solutions that can help clients meet their waste management, recycling, safety assessment and Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) requirements in cities in the developing world. Based on Information and Communications Technology (ICT), our platform brings a cost-effective and inclusive solution to the procurement, logistics and management of waste in the city.
A franchise model for our Materials Recovery Facility
We’re developing a Material Recovery Facility (MRF) that’s customised to procure from the informal sector, which we believe is a missing link in the recycling supply-chain for Indian cities. With an initial focus on plastic, we are working with experts to develop India’s first commercially viable MRF optimised to procure from the Kabadiwalla.